Ayaneo has just introduced an exciting new gadget on IndieGogo, the Ayaneo Pocket DMG. This handheld pays homage to the classic GameBoy design, while packing a punch with a Qualcomm Snapdragon G3X Gen 2 chip. For those keen on getting in early, the entry-level model is attractively priced at just $339 USD, offering 8GB RAM and 128GB of storage. Meanwhile, the high-end variant, featuring 16GB RAM and 512GB storage, is priced at $499, with a special “Retro Color” Limited Edition available at $589 during the Early Bird special.
At these introductory prices, the Snapdragon processor ensures a top-notch gaming experience on the go, capable of smoothly running games like Genshin Impact at a consistent 60 FPS. It can even handle console emulation up to GameCube and PlayStation 2 without breaking a sweat, even at higher resolution settings. It’s worth noting, however, that the Steam Deck, with its LCD screen, remains a cost-effective choice for those who don’t plan on supplementing their gaming with a PC handheld.
Taking a look at the device’s features, you’ll find yourself pleasantly surprised considering its price and compact size. It boasts hidden trigger buttons, motion controls, and a right touchpad, giving you plenty of modern gaming input options, particularly for streaming from a PC. The small analog stick utilizes hall-effect technology, helping it resist drift issues over time.
Some might question the necessity of an OLED panel on a device this size, but remember other premium products like the Analogue Pocket also favor high-quality displays, albeit opting for a razor-sharp 1440p LCD. The Pocket DMG sports a 3.92-inch OLED screen with a 1,240 x 1,080 resolution, hitting around 104% NTSC color gamut at 450 nits brightness. This, combined with OLED’s low input delay, makes it a fantastic companion for retro games, though it won’t outperform the Steam Deck OLED or other beefy PC handhelds for AAA gaming.
For those interested in emulation and Android gaming, the Ayaneo Pocket DMG presents itself as a premium option despite its unassuming frame. While the models with 12GB and 16GB RAM might seem excessive for a non-PC device, mobile gaming demands are mounting. The savvy choice is starting with the entry-level model and expanding storage via an SD card as needed.
Connectivity-wise, the Ayaneo Pocket DMG is well equipped with USB 3.2 Gen 2 through a Type-C port, offering up to 10 Gbps speeds, alongside Wi-Fi 7 and Bluetooth 5.3. While the wired connections are fine for moving smaller games and files, the Wi-Fi 7 support, which reaches up to 30 Gbps, is excellent for activities like Steam Remote Play.
A quick word of caution: contributing to a crowdfunding campaign isn’t a surefire guarantee of receiving the final product. It’s more like an investment in a budding idea, supporting its success. You’re not buying a finished retail product, but rather supporting its potential growth and development.