Unlike Final Fantasy 7 Remake, the sequel known as Rebirth won’t be receiving any DLC. However, this decision isn’t without reason. With the release of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, many fans anticipated the possibility of additional content, similar to the DLC that arrived during the interim period before the sequel to Remake. But, fans now have their answer. In a recent interview with the Daily Star, director Naoki Hamaguchi clarified that no DLC is planned, and he provided some insight into the decision. “We definitely do hear the desire from fans,” Hamaguchi acknowledged when asked about the demand for DLC. “I understand it completely, but I believe what fans truly want is to see the third part of the series as soon as possible.”
“So that’s why we’re not diverting development resources to create extra episodes for DLC at this time. We’re really concentrating all our efforts on releasing the third game as quickly as possible. So for now, that’s where our attention is focused.” That sounds like a pretty reasonable approach!
While the Yuffie DLC for Remake served as a nice bridge between games, exploring solo stories for characters like Cid and Vincent Valentine in Rebirth seems a bit uncertain. And honestly, who knows what angle they might take? Besides, there’s always the possibility that Square Enix might be considering a remaster of Dirge of Cerberus, akin to Crisis Core: Reunion, which would surely excite all the Dirge fans out there!
Earlier this week, our very own Dom also had a chance to chat with Hamaguchi, delving into the director’s plans for mini-games in the highly anticipated third installment. Rest assured, he’s contemplating some changes, so keep an eye out for new surprises!