Valve, the powerhouse in the PC gaming arena, has made a noteworthy change in how season passes are sold on Steam.
According to the fresh guidelines on Steamworks, game developers and publishers must now provide solid release dates when promoting upcoming content, like season passes, on a game’s store page. Valve is firm on this: if companies can’t “clearly communicate” when players can expect this new content, they shouldn’t be selling it or accepting pre-orders at all.
This doesn’t mean they have to give an exact day right from the start. Developers and publishers can still mention an estimated release period—like a particular quarter, year, or season—alongside a specific launch date for the incoming content.
“As a developer offering a Season Pass, you’re essentially giving your word about future content,” Valve clarified.
“When you’re launching a Season Pass, you’ll need to pledge a specific launch timetable for every content drop in that pass. This schedule is a promise to both your customers and to Steam.
“If you’re not prepared to clearly specify what each piece of downloadable content (DLC) will include and when each will be released, you should hold off on offering a Season Pass on Steam,” Valve emphasized.
By setting these expectations, Valve is pushing for greater transparency and accountability, ensuring players know exactly what they are signing up for before they hit that purchase button.