In the world of Fortnite, vending machines offer a quirky yet essential way of acquiring loot by spending bars. These machines bring an interesting dynamic to the gameplay, acting like trusty sidekicks in your quest for survival.
As of Chapter 6 Season 1, Fortnite offers two types of vending machines: the weapon-o-matic and the mending machines. Weapon-o-matics provide a handy selection of weapons and ammunition, ensuring players are always ready for battle. On the other hand, mending machines serve as a lifeline by dispensing healing items and shields to patch up after fierce encounters.
This season, one of the week 6 challenges requires players to purchase three items—either from a character or one of these vending machines. While the task sounds straightforward, it can take a bit of work since vending machines don’t always pop up on your map, and sometimes they run out of stock.
To make this mission a little easier, we’ve pinpointed every vending machine location in Chapter 6 Season 1 of Fortnite. There are 16 vending machines in total, with 11 dedicated to weapons and the remaining 5 focused on mending your wounds. The map above highlights exactly where these machines are scattered across the battleground.
Of course, remember that vending machine appearances aren’t always guaranteed; a malfunction or general absence isn’t unheard of. But fret not—a good number of them are around, ensuring you won’t be left hanging for long.
Weapon-o-matic machines are nestled in specific areas, ready to arm you to the teeth:
Meanwhile, keep an eye out for the mending machines stationed at these locations, ready to get you back into fighting shape:
By tapping into these resources, you’ll find yourself better equipped to tackle whatever Fortnite throws your way.