Gaijin Entertainment, the creative mind behind the renowned War Thunder from 2013, is gearing up to take flight once again. They’ve revealed plans for their new aerial VR combat adventure, Aces of Thunder, which is slated to soar onto PSVR 2 and PC VR headsets sometime within the year.
Initially unveiled back in 2023, Aces of Thunder had its sights set on a launch in the last quarter of 2024. The game promises to grace SteamVR and PSVR 2 with a fleet of the most iconic airplanes from the world wars.
Gaijin has been generously giving sneak peeks, showcasing not just a lineup of legendary WWII-era aircraft, but now they’re expanding the fleet with some classic WWI planes as well.
“Get ready to pilot historic fighters like the Fokker Dr.I, made famous by the Red Baron, or the SPAD S.XIII, the go-to choice for René Fonck, the Allies’ most celebrated ace. Expect intricately detailed cockpits, historically precise weapon systems, and authentic flight mechanics that together promise an incredibly immersive gameplay experience,” the studio enthuses.
This lineup complements the suite of WWII aircraft, featuring the American P-51 Mustang and P-63 Kingcobra, the German Bf 109 and Fw 190, the Soviet IL-2, the British Spitfire, and the Japanese A6M3 Zero.
While we’re still in the dark about the exact release date for Aces of Thunder, Gaijin has updated Road to VR with a revised launch target of 2025. Meanwhile, eager players can go ahead and add the game to their wishlist on Steam or the PlayStation Store for PSVR 2.
As for the pricing, details are still under wraps, but we’re on high alert for any updates regarding Aces of Thunder’s imminent arrival in the virtual skies.