The arrival of Everhood 2 from Foreign Gnomes invites players back into its eccentric world for a fresh adventure. Here’s what you need to know about this unexpected follow-up.
When Everhood 2 was announced, I was certainly intrigued. Who would have thought we’d get a sequel to Everhood? Yet, I’m here to tell you it’s the continuation we didn’t predict but absolutely needed. Building upon the solid groundwork of its predecessor, Everhood 2 takes everything we loved and enhances it, pushing the boundaries even further. It proudly wears its Undertale inspirations, much like the first game – and that’s an endearing touch. I had previously reviewed Everhood on the Nintendo Switch back in 2021, so I was eager to see where this new journey would take me.
Something crucial to note is that your decisions in Everhood 2 can alter your journey’s outcome. Right away, the game asks what you value most in games: Story, Battle and Challenges, Unique Experiences, or Funny Stuff. Afterward, you choose your preferred difficulty level: Story Mode, Easy, Medium, or Hard, which sets the overall challenge you’ll face.
The next question delves into your gameplay habits: Do you chat with every character you encounter in a room? Your options are straightforward: Yes, No, or I Don’t Know. Though this line of questioning might seem exhaustive, it shapes a unique player experience, gradually becoming more personalized. Once you’ve tackled the questionnaire, it reveals the color of your soul.
You start off maneuvering your character using the left analog stick or the D-Pad. Interact with objects or characters by pressing the A button, while the X button opens your menu to view collected items or strategize your next move. To change characters, the L and R buttons come in handy. If you haven’t played the original Everhood, the combat system might surprise you – battles are heavily rhythm-based.
In Everhood 2, combat is a musical affair. To succeed, you must sync with each song’s rhythm, dodging attacks and finding the right moments to strike back. This involves dodging left and right or jumping between lanes using the left analog stick or D-Pad and pressing up or the B button for jumps. Absorb and unleash attacks with the ZR or A buttons and cast them using ZL or Y.
A new twist allows you to hold ZR or A to absorb several notes consecutively, which powers up your skills based on how much energy you gather. This results in more impactful attacks, but remember, getting hit will deplete your stored energy, so strategy and caution are key. Also, maintaining an energy color match is essential for maximizing your attack’s potency. Watch out for barrier notes—they’ll stop your attacks cold. Switching weapons to find the optimum match for your battles is done with the L and R buttons.
Everhood 2 also pays homage to games like Earthbound by incorporating overworld battles. Each victory earns you experience points, similarly gained from treasure chests. As your level rises, so do your stats, adding boosts to health and attack power. Plus, leveling up unlocks new cosmetic options to personalize your character.
The sequel reintroduces us to this peculiar universe with a fresh outlook. Unanticipated as it was, Everhood 2 proves itself to be an essential follow-up, built on its predecessor’s strengths while steering into new adventures and challenges. Once more, your choices reverberate through the journey, affecting your experience.
Start your adventure by exploring varied realities alongside Raven, who helps you unlock your hidden potential. In your quest, slay the dragon to earn your Soul Weapon, upgrade yourself with Power Gems, and gain abilities like Armor Break. Each upgrade demands more resources, making the journey both challenging and rewarding. Everhood 2 hits Nintendo Switch tomorrow, priced at $20.00.
All in all, it’s a quirky sequel we didn’t realize we were longing for. This review was based on a Nintendo Switch copy provided by Foreign Gnomes.