As we moved past Christmas Eve, Ayaneo has been busy unveiling exciting details about its upcoming Ayaneo 3 handheld device. The most notable revelation so far is the introduction of swappable control modules, which offer a previously unseen level of customization for handheld gaming. While a similar approach has been seen in devices like the Victrix Pro BFG controller, it’s refreshing to witness this innovation make its way to handhelds, especially with the inclusion of hall-effect sensors for both analog sticks and triggers.
Accompanying the social media buzz with Tweets and Discord posts, Ayaneo has also shared a video that showcases the Ayaneo 3 from various angles, allowing a closer look at the control modules in action. Back in November, we had a glimpse into the technical specifications of the Ayaneo 3, learning that it would be available with Ryzen AI 9 HX 370 and Ryzen 7 8840U configurations. While we’re still in the dark about pricing and additional tech specs beyond the available APU and screen options (LCD and OLED), more information should emerge around late January 2025 during the official launch event.
The swappable nature of the control modules is not just limited to being replaceable; they can also be inverted and allow individual button swaps. This extremely modular design makes the Ayaneo 3 versatile enough to cater to nearly any gaming genre that pairs with a controller. For instance, fans of six-button classics like Street Fighter and enthusiasts of retro Sega games will likely appreciate the six-face-button module. Meanwhile, modules with a touchpad are expected to enhance experiences that involve desktop-like gaming, especially with the integration of Steam Input.
While we wait for more details about pricing to decide if the Ayaneo 3 is worth purchasing, the initial offerings already suggest a blend of flexibility and consideration for budget-conscious users. There’s potential for savings by opting for the Ryzen 7 8840U paired with a 7-inch LCD screen instead of an OLED version—though the real value of this choice will remain speculative until prices are disclosed. Nonetheless, the Ayaneo 3 seems poised to compete with other premium handhelds anticipated next year, especially with its unique emphasis on modular input controls.