It looks like Blade & Sorcery, VR’s beloved combat simulator from 2024, has reached the end of its development journey with its grand 1.0 release back in June. But the minds at Warpfrog, the creators, aren’t resting on their laurels. They’re already diving into their next project, promising it to be just as “highly moddable” as their groundbreaking physics-based combat game.
While details are still under wraps, Warpfrog has shared with Road to VR that their upcoming title will also be a VR game, embodying the “familiar hallmarks” fans have come to expect. Think physics-driven interactions and a strong focus on simulation, much like their previous success.
The studio has also confirmed that this new game will offer a modding experience similar to Blade & Sorcery. For those who enjoy tweaking their gameplay, Blade & Sorcery has been a modder’s paradise. It supports mods both through manual installation and through Nexus Mod Manager, making it easy to change everything from simple visual enhancements, like adding extra spark effects to weapon clashes, to creating entirely new maps and weapons for fresh experiences.
In a conversation with Meta last October, the studio mentioned they’re building a new framework for their upcoming game. This decision came after pushing their old one to its limits during Blade & Sorcery’s extended early access phase.
“We had to clean up the spaghetti code and expand it. So we’re starting from scratch with a new engine,” explains one of the developers. “The goal now is to design a framework suited for the entire team’s needs. For the first time, we’re building a game from beginning to end with a full team behind it.”
Expectations for Warpfrog’s future endeavors are sky-high, and for good reason. What once began as a solo endeavor by KospY has blossomed into a flourishing team of nearly 30.
This year’s major 1.0 update brought the ‘Crystal Hunt’ mode into the mix, transforming Blade & Sorcery from a straightforward combat simulator into a full-fledged adventure game. With dynamic upgrade systems, a richer narrative, and a more expansive and interconnected game world, it’s captivated players anew.
Looking to the future, Warpfrog teases in their Steam update, “This is where the fun begins… After the past five years of experience, we’re thrilled to share what’s next. Your support has driven us to create bigger and better games.” They’ve clearly got big things planned, and fans are eagerly waiting to see where their journey takes them next.