Disney’s “Strange World” is a hidden gem that truly deserves more attention. This adventure-packed film is not just another animated feature—it’s an exploration of family dynamics across three generations of the Clade family, wrapped with the familiar yet impactful theme of generational trauma. Each member of this family grapples with their own vision of what the family should be, creating a narrative that’s both touching and compelling.
Visually, “Strange World” is a feast for the eyes. Disney has outdone itself with some of the most stunning animations seen yet, though sadly, it didn’t make it to enough theaters. Drawing inspiration from classics like “Indiana Jones,” the movie dives into an enchanting alien world that’s rich in environmental themes. This world bursts with breathtaking landscapes, vibrant characters, and creatures so wonderfully strange that they defy simple description. Despite the fantastical elements, the core of the story is deeply human. The Clades face the challenge of understanding one another, needing to venture into uncharted territories to finally see what’s right in front of them.
It’s unfortunate that Disney didn’t give this film the marketing push it deserved; “Strange World” ended up being one of the least successful box office releases in history. If you’re a Disney+ subscriber, do yourself a favor and watch it. It’s a fantastic film that truly deserved more recognition.