Aarik and the Ruined Kingdom is an imaginative puzzle game crafted by the indie team at Shatterproof Games. At the heart of this story is Aarik, a youthful prince burdened with a bedridden father, an absent mother, and, as one might infer, a kingdom that has seen better days. Armed with the royal crown, Aarik embarks on navigating through cleverly designed isometric levels that shift and reshape to unveil the way forward.
Throughout his journey, Aarik discovers various crystals, each bestowing special powers that aid him on his quest. These colorful crystals bring a fascinating array of abilities to the table, like reversing time to mend broken structures, repositioning towers, or even commanding robotic companions to tackle puzzles. Such features not only enrich the puzzle-solving experience but also offer clear, distinct phases in the game.
Aarik and the Ruined Kingdom truly embraces a serene and cozy atmosphere. The visuals and music work in harmony to enhance this calming vibe, presenting puzzles that challenge the player’s perspective without being overwhelmingly tough. It’s clear that Shatterproof Games aimed for Aarik to be a laid-back experience, one you can enjoy without stress. Across the two-hour adventure, I never hit a puzzle that left me scratching my head for too long.
Nonetheless, a few minor setback came in the form of controls. At times, I found the powers to be slightly temperamental. For instance, while controlling a robot, the power would occasionally switch off unexpectedly. Other times, aligning blocks using telekinesis or precisely rewinding time to create passable paths proved to be a little tricky. Such issues weren’t overly burdensome, but they did crop up enough to slightly disrupt the otherwise smooth experience.
Overall, Aarik and the Ruined Kingdom serves as a charming, leisurely endeavor that’s easily wrapped up in a single sitting. The delightful graphics and soothing soundtrack complement the peaceful pacing of this mini journey, making it an enjoyable escape into a quaint world. Although the crystal powers innovate gameplay nicely, their somewhat delicate nature can introduce mild frustration.
This review is based on a retail copy of the game graciously provided by the publisher.
Summary: Aarik and the Ruined Kingdom is all about solving perspective puzzles in a relaxing manner. While this short adventure delivers on tranquility, a few finicky elements hold it back slightly.
Score: 6/10