Symphonia, a delightful creation from Headup, Beep Japan, and Sunny Peak, is a vibrant 2D adventure where you’ll embark on a mission to restore music to a silent world. In our exploration of Symphonia, let’s dive into what makes this game a compelling journey.
Music is more than just background noise in Symphonia; it’s the heartbeat of life, and its absence spells trouble for the world. You’re revived by an automaton that stumbles upon your mask, and as Philemon, your task is to rally the scattered musicians and reignite the symphony that once was. It’s time for you to leap into action and save the day before silence takes over!
In Symphonia, you’ll wield the power of your violin to awaken the dormant machinery scattered across this beautifully crafted world. Each room you explore offers unique, hand-crafted details that add depth to the place.
Controlling Philemon is straightforward, using either the left analog stick or D-Pad for movement, with jumps executed by pressing X or Circle. The L2 and R2 buttons let you thrust with your violin bow, propelling you skyward—a crucial mechanic for overcoming challenging platforming sections. By jumping and then following up with a bow thrust, you gain extra height, which can be critical in reaching those tricky spots. When you find a soft spot to land, use R2 near it, stick the bow, and launch off in your chosen direction.
While navigating, Philemon can also wall jump and swing his violin bow in mid-air to interact with instruments, adding an extra boost to your leaps. The Triangle button plays your violin, a handy tool for opening doors or activating mechanisms to move platforms. Once you unlock the teleportation feature, pressing Square will cue the Wayfarer Tune, letting you revisit previously explored areas. Progress further to unlock more of Philemon’s memories, revealing additional abilities like a double jump.
Aura Shards play a pivotal role in your journey. To collect them, play music at energy-emanating spots. These shards aren’t just collectibles; they grant permanent upgrades to your violin’s aura, allowing you to reach mechanisms from greater distances and access new areas.
Symphonia’s soundtrack is something to behold, composed by Olivier Esman and collaborators Alexandre Bucas-Français and Lou Corroyer. The music, performed by the Scoring Orchestra Paris, enriches the game with its stirring use of strings, brass, and woodwinds, perfectly complementing the atmosphere.
Keep an eye out for unusual spots that may hide Philemon’s memory fragments or extra musical notes. These are vital for unlocking new abilities and mastering the game. In the Violinist’s Lounge, you can delve deeper into Philemon’s backstory and gain new skills, like a double jump or the ability to slow time.
For the trophy hunters out there, Symphonia offers a robust set of achievements including a Platinum trophy. You’ll find 8 Bronze, 7 Silver, and 7 Gold trophies, with tasks ranging from playing concerts with key characters and collecting all musical notes, to completing the game under specific conditions.
Symphonia is an enchanting 2D adventure centered around reviving music. With a purchase price of $19.99, it offers Cross-Buy support, allowing you to enjoy it on both PS4 and PS5 at no additional cost. Dive into this melodic world and experience the magic that music brings to life.
This review was made possible by a PlayStation 5 copy provided by Headup.