From the very beginning of the Kingdom Hearts series, Final Fantasy characters have played a significant role in shaping its identity. Though Kingdom Hearts 3 took a step back from featuring these characters, the upcoming Kingdom Hearts 4 holds immense potential to reintroduce them, especially given Final Fantasy’s recent resurgence. Recasting these icons in Kingdom Hearts 4, perhaps through introducing a new secret boss akin to the memorable Sephiroth battles of old, would certainly reinvigorate the fan experience.
The popularity sparked by the Final Fantasy 7 remake has undoubtedly shone a new spotlight on Sephiroth, making him more relevant than ever. Nonetheless, Kingdom Hearts has yet to fully explore the rich tapestry of Final Fantasy’s vast character roster. While revisiting a Sephiroth showdown with his updated character from Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth could be thrilling, it might also feel redundant. This sets the stage perfectly for Kingdom Hearts 4 to bring in fresh adversaries from Final Fantasy lore, delivering a new secret boss that could rival the legendary Sephiroth battles.
When considering potential contenders for such a role, the Kingdom Hearts series has a wealth of options within Final Fantasy’s classic villains. Characters like Garland from the original Final Fantasy, with his dual identity including Chaos from Stranger of Paradise, could create a compelling and fresh challenge for Sora. Then there’s Kefka from Final Fantasy 6, whose status as a fan-favorite villain could lend itself to a multi-stage battle reminiscent of his climactic encounters in his original game—a fight that could match the intensity of iconic Kingdom Hearts bosses like Ansem or Xemnas. Additionally, Ultimecia from Final Fantasy 8 brings a unique dynamic as a formidable female antagonist, a worthy counterpart to Sephiroth. Her inclusion would synergize well given the presence of other Final Fantasy 8 characters like Leon, Selphie, and Seifer already appearing in the series.
But venturing beyond the classics, Kingdom Hearts 4 has an opportunity to spotlight villains from more recent Final Fantasy entries. Ardyn Izunia from Final Fantasy 15 stands out as a formidable option, especially if Noctis is utilized as an ally within the game. Ardyn’s combat style, which mirrors Noctis’ own, would offer a dynamic and exciting boss fight. Similarly, Barnabas Tharmr from Final Fantasy 16, as the Dominant of the Eikon Odin, presents an enticing chance to incorporate one of Final Fantasy’s iconic summons into Kingdom Hearts’ dynamic gameplay, deepening the crossover experience in unexpected ways.
Even as the Final Fantasy 7 remake trilogy brings Sephiroth to the forefront once again, Kingdom Hearts 4 should not automatically select him as its secret boss. Though his battles in previous Kingdom Hearts games are memorable, focusing again on Sephiroth could feel like a rehash rather than a new frontier. Instead, creating novel encounters with a different villain from Final Fantasy’s expansive universe would provide fresh and exhilarating content for players. As Kingdom Hearts 4 embarks on a new narrative path, it’s the perfect moment to refresh its integration of Final Fantasy elements, exploring fresh opportunities rather than returning to the well-trodden paths with Sephiroth.